Chiropractic Research2018-02-08T02:31:24+00:00

Chiropractic Research

Uncovering the Root: Chiropractic Analysis in Riverdale

Root cause analysis in chiropractic care focuses on identifying the underlying issues causing pain or discomfort, rather than just treating symptoms. This approach is fundamental to the practice of chiropractic in Riverdale, Utah, where practitioners aim to provide long-lasting relief and improved overall health for their patients. Key Takeaways Root cause analysis is essential in [...]

How to Overcome Constant Meltdowns, Tantrums, and Behavioral Outbursts

Are you at your wit's end dealing with your child's constant tantrums, meltdowns, and emotional outbursts? Do you find yourself tiptoeing through each day, never knowing what might trigger the next explosion? If you're nodding your head, take a deep breath – you're not alone in this struggle. In fact, according to Johns Hopkins, one [...]

Find Your Circle: Choosing the Right Providers for Your Prenatal Team

Becoming a mother is one of the most transformative experiences in life, filled with excitement, anticipation, and a fair share of uncertainty. As you prepare to welcome your little one, the first crucial step is assembling the right prenatal team. The professionals you choose to support you through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum play a significant [...]

Why Too Many Treatments Can Hinder Your Child’s Healing

Parents, we see you. We understand the journey you've been on, trying to help your child overcome chronic health issues. It's a path filled with hope, disappointment, determination, and, often, sheer frustration. You've consulted countless doctors, explored various therapies, changed diets, and tried natural remedies. Perhaps you've even traveled across the country or internationally, seeking [...]

5 Steps to Smoother Back-to-School Transitions for Kid with ADHD + SPD

As summer winds down and the back-to-school season looms on the horizon, we understand the unique mixture of hope and apprehension you might be feeling, especially if your child has ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), or anxiety. You know better than anyone that your child is creative, caring, and full of potential. But you also [...]

How do I know if my child struggles with Sensory Processing Disorder?

Summer is a time for fun, relaxation, and enjoying various events like going to the beach, attending parades and carnivals, and going on vacation. However, for children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), this season can be full of stress and difficulties. Many families first recognize the signs of sensory issues in their children during this [...]

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Statera Chiropractic, Riverdale chiropractor
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736 West RIverdale Road Riverdale, UT 84405

Phone: (385) 288-0934

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