Chiropractic Research2018-02-08T02:31:24+00:00

Chiropractic Research

Why is Vagus Nerve Health So Important For Our Kids?

The Vagus Nerve is all the craze right now! Any search on google will generate thousands of hits with life and “health hacks” galore. With all the research, biohacking, and natural science that has been reported lately, it's cool to hear about a part of our nervous system that can have such an amazing impact [...]

Eat, Sleep, and Poop

As a parent, I understand it can be overwhelming to know where to start when your child faces challenges, whether it's eating, sleeping, pooping, development, or immune challenges. It can be difficult to figure out where to turn for help. I want to help unpack some of these challenges. From my experience as both a [...]

Chiropractic Care and ADD/ADHD

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are mental conditions characterized by an inability to focus and impulsive behavior. People with ADHD also have pronounced hyperactivity that makes it difficult for the person to calm down. ADD and ADHD are often diagnosed in young children as personality differences and behavioral choices emerge [...]

Chiropractic Care and Anxiety

According to the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety disorders affect 18% of adult Americans or approximately 40 million people. Of these cases, 23 percent are considered “severe,” with recurring, debilitating symptoms like panic attacks or intense phobias that prevent normal functioning. Despite the prevalence of anxiety disorders, only around a third of sufferers seek proper care for [...]

Chiropractic Care and Allergies

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, allergies affect up to 30 percent of adults and 40 percent of children. These numbers are only increasing worldwide. Not only are there more allergens in the atmosphere thanks to increased pollution and more intense pollen seasons, but people have become more sensitive to substances like smoke, dander [...]

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736 West RIverdale Road Riverdale, UT 84405

Phone: (385) 288-0934

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